BETES Augmented and Virtual Reality bootcamp

BETES consortium conducted the “Augmented and Virtual Reality” bootcamp, facilitated physically by Digital idea in Greece and online in Malta and Cyprus. Skills Zone Participants learned about human-machine interface, user experience, graphical user interface, and augmented and virtual reality: what they are, their benefits, and their applications. If you missed it, you can access the material and recorded video […]

BETES Robotics and AI bootcamp

BETES consortium conducted the “Robotics and Artificial Intelligence” bootcamp, facilitated physically by in Cyprus and online in Malta and Greece. Skills Zone Malta, Digital idea Participants learned about the foundation of robotics and mechatronics, programming and control systems, AI and machine learning, collaborative and cognitive robotics, advanced robotics, and emerging technologies and also had the opportunity for a hands-on […]

BETES 2nd TPM in Greece

Great news from Larissa, Greece! Our 2nd Transnational Project Meeting for the BETES project took place on January 24th. Productive discussions with our partners on the Soft Skills and IoT bootcamps, their successes, and how we can enhance them for the future. Big thanks to our partners from Cyprus, Malta Skills Zone Malta, and to Digital idea for hosting […]